13 February 2008

Another good day for free speech

Last July, a court rejected a libel case against a Danish politician who had accused some Islamic Faith Community members of treason when they travelled to the Middle East to publicize a Danish newspaper's publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad.

This blog hailed it as a good day for free speech. Well today was yet another good day for free speech as the cartoon that sparked violent protests was reprinted today.

Danish Muhammad cartoon reprinted

Danish newspapers have reprinted one of several caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad which sparked violent protests across the Muslim world two years ago.

They say they wanted to show their commitment to freedom of speech after an alleged plot to kill one of the cartoonists behind the drawings.
Campaigners for freedom worldwide should rejoice at the move by the newspaper, which was emulated by national television and other newspapers also showing the cartoon. The editor's say that they will always remain defiant:
"We are doing this to document what is at stake in this case, and to unambiguously back and support the freedom of speech that we as a newspaper will always defend."
It is good to see that the over-the-top p.c. madness has not reached every newspaper in the world!


Freelander said...

At least the Dutch have some courage to stand up against these bully-boy threats. Would that the UK Government also gained some Dutch Courage.

If we don't kow-tow to these threats they just employ clever lawyers to get them off the charge when it goes to the High Court.

Archbishop Cranmer said...

What has become of this blog?

Has it gone the way of the parrot?