08 March 2007

Drugs - Facing Facts

The Royal Society of Arts (RSA) says UK drug law has been "driven by moral panic" and is "not fit for purpose."

Following calls on this blog a couple of days ago for a new approach to dealing with the drug problem at its origin, it was a welcome start to the day to hear the former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith on the Today programme, who said the report was "worryingly complacent."  While the RSA calls for a switch in emphasis from criminalising offenders to harm reduction, Duncan Smith said we need to go further, learning from what has succeeded in other countries and focusing on rehabilitation.

The RSA Commission on Illegal Drugs, Communities and Public Policy also recommends replacing the Misuse of Drugs Act with a broader Misuse of Substances Act and substituting the existing ABC classification system of drugs with an "index of harms," similar to that proposed by the Commons Science Select Committee last year, which would include alcohol and tobacco.

Credit: BBC 'Drug classification rethink urged'


John Hayward said...

The "index of harms" drugs proposal reported on two weeks ago is back in the news again today: Alcohol worse than ecstasy on shock new drug list

Anonymous said...

Through any prism, Drug Rehabilitation Center is the solution to pressing problems in the United States and around the world. Indeed, the increasing prevalence of painkiller addiction and prescription drug abuse in modern America means that an addiction treatment program is more important now that at any time in our collective history. With thousands of individuals falling victim to drug dependency every day, only a concerted effort to provide quality addiction treatment programs where they are needed can make our future a thing worth looking forward to. In the end, nothing could ever matter more than that.

As would perhaps be expected, it's difficult to pin an exact figure on the number of drug and alcohol addicts in the United States. Some studies suggest that as many as fifteen million Americans exhibit symptoms of unhealthy drug or alcohol dependence, a statistic which should if nothing else speak to the paramount importance of having an effective addiction treatment program available to addicts in shaping the course of postindustrial society.