17 August 2007

Freeing Britain to Compete

Freeing Britain to Compete: Equipping the UK for Globalisation - Submission to the Shadow CabinetHow do we summarise the Economic Competitiveness Policy Group report, given that it has already been drip-fed to the media for almost a week? Rather than listing specific proposals, such as the abolition of inheritance tax, perhaps we should simply quote John Redwood's co-author, the chief executive of Next, Simon Wolfson, who says the two most significant messages are:

  1. Regulate both the private and public sector less, and
  2. Invest in British infrastructure.
Alternatively, we could just go with Shadow Chancellor George Osborne, who declared on the Today programme that once again it is now OK to admit "I'm a Conservative who believes in lower taxes."

Download the full report from Stand Up, Speak Up