Economic Competitiveness
I find the media coverage of John Redwood's economic competitiveness report, due to be released this Friday, rather amusing. Compare these headlines and see if you can match them to the papers on the right (reveal the answers by hovering over each headline):
1. Tories plan to make £14bn savings in radical move to slash red tape | A. Daily Mail |
2. Cameron on offensive with call for tax cuts | B. The Guardian |
3. Cameron would slash services to pay for tax cuts | C. The Telegraph |
Meanwhile, as Iain Dale rightly notes, the BBC has consistently revealed its left-wing bias throughout the day by commencing each of its bulletins about the report with the words, "The Labour Party has today criticised..." Now, the

If you can't wait until Friday and want to find details about the report, the Sunday Telegraph has a summary of what Redwood describes as a "tax cut by any other name." Among other proposed cuts in red tape and regulation, it calls for a repeal of working time regulations, originally set by Brussels, along with all data protection laws, which it claims are an "expensive bureaucracy which fails to protect people's data." It also calls for the recently introduced Home Information Packs (Hips) to be scrapped and for Britain to opt out of the EU directive on food supplements.
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