North Atlantic Panic Drifts
"Evidence that a vital North Atlantic current is slowing down as a result of melting ice in the Arctic has been blown out of the water." [NewScientist news feed]Later today I'm heading off on holiday for a week, including three days in Venice with just the wife {hopefully the children will behave for the grandparents!} to mark our tenth wedding anniversary. Thankfully, we'll be flying out of Stansted, so shouldn't be affected by the environmentalist fanatics threatening Heathrow. I notice from current visitors statistics that a third of readers already seem to have taken leave of their computers this month. For those of you who have faithfully stuck with us during this quiet period, I am pleased to inform you that another member of The Difference team should keep you plied with food for thought each day in my absence, so hopefully you won't miss me too much do take the effort to leave a comment or two so things don't get too lonely around here! Soon after I return, you can look forward to receiving the next issue of the magazine so if you haven't yet ordered your copy, you might want to do so now.
In the meantime, as I depart, let me leave you with the above article from the New Scientist the latest in what is becoming a long series of scientific observations inconveniently undermining the sensationalism of the AGW extremists:
The North Atlantic is stirring fitfully. A new monitoring system has shown that the ocean's currents change rapidly, surging or slowing from one week to the next... The overturning circulation fluctuates wildly, between 35 million tonnes a second and just 4 million tonnes a second. All the earlier measurements lie within that range.So much for previous claims that the vital "overturning circulation" of the North Atlantic had already slowed by 30% and risks plunging Europe into a new ice age.
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