10 May 2007

Blair Memories - In His Own Words

To mark the final episode in the "end of the beginning of the end" saga that is the prime minister's long-awaited departure, I thought I'd post some of my favourite quotes. Please do add some of your own in the comments!

"Mine is the first generation able to contemplate the possibility that we may live our entire lives without going to war or sending our children to war."

"Now is not the time for sound-bites. I can feel the hand of history on my shoulder."

"Profound problems require profound remedies."

"I am absolutely confident that the mechanisms for judging my fallibility are infallible."


Anonymous said...

"My project will be complete when the Labour party learns to love Peter Mandelson."

Anonymous said...

He started as he meant to go on - with a lie: "People want honest politics and they are going to get it."

Anonymous said...

"It would be lovely and, no doubt, good in terms of the Guardian, if every single scheme you did was a voluntary thing for charity or of absolutely first class repute. But we are a political party that needs to raise money." [Said about the 2001 MacDonald's sponsorship row, not about more recent honours investigations...]

Anonymous said...

"I didn't get it all wrong - but it hasn't been handled well and I apologise for that." - From the early days, just to prove he once knew how to admit and accept responsibility for his mistakes.

Anonymous said...

He might want to remind his incoming neighbour of this one: "Sometimes it is better to lose and do the right thing than to win and do the wrong thing."

Anonymous said...

"I may have been wrong. That is your call. But believe one thing if nothing else. I did what I thought was right for our country ... and my apologies to you for the times I have fallen short." Well, that's alright then - all is forgiven?!

Anonymous said...

that second quote about war reminds me of that star treking parody song and the lines "we come in peace,shoot to kill shoot to kill".

Anonymous said...

"We are purer than pure - the people understand that we will not have any truck with anything that's improper in any shape or form at all."

Anonymous said...

This parliamentary session's classic was from a Labour MP, Tony McWalter: "Could the prime minister briefly outline his political philosophy?" Tony Blair was completely stumped.


Anonymous said...

There's always the infamous "I'm a pretty straight kinda guy" defence.