18 May 2007

Values-Based Foreign Policy

"American foreign policy has lost its compass. Voters across the United States, increasingly opposed to the war in Iraq and increasingly certain that the country as a whole is going in the wrong direction, are uncertain about the role that America should play in the world."
Writing in the International Herald Tribune, the author of "The Idea That Is America: Keeping Faith with Our Values in a Dangerous World" goes on to ask a question that is relevant to questions we've asked in relation to formulating an ethical foreign policy and defining Britain's role in what has been described as the new Cold War: "How do we stand for our values in the world in a way that is consistent with our values?"


Anonymous said...

This may be idealistic or utopian, but if we're talking about values maybe it's somewhere to start.
If we value democracy, then we need to act like we value it and not go into any more countries to change their governments for them.
If we value equality, then we need to stop exploitation in our trading and lending and lift trade embargoes on countries where it effects the people not the government.
If we value people, our policies should aim at improving quality of life worldwide not countrywide, even when it means we get rich less quickly.
If we value justice, we should apologise for our acts of gross injustice, in the hope that we can earn a hearing for what we believe justice is.