Huge Crackdown On Dissent
Iran is in the throes of one of its most ferocious crackdowns on dissent in years, analysts say. with the government focusing on labor leaders, universities, the press, women's rights advocates, a former nuclear negotiator and Iranian-Americans, three of whom have been in prison for more than six weeks.The report in today's IHT on the latest developments in Iran also
The shift is occurring against the backdrop of an economy so stressed that although Iran is the world's second-largest oil exporter, it is on the verge of rationing gasoline. At the same time, the nuclear standoff with the West threatens to bring new sanctions.
The hard-line administration of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the analysts said, faces rising pressure for failing to deliver on promises of greater prosperity from soaring oil revenue. It has been using U.S. support for a change in government as well as a possible military attack as the pretext to hound his opposition and its sympathizers.
Some analysts described the government's reaction as a "cultural revolution," an attempt to roll back the clock to the time of the 1979 revolution, when the newly formed Islamic Republic combined religious zeal and anti-imperialist rhetoric to assert itself as a regional leader.

Another reason why lifting economic sanctions rather than imposing tougher sanctions might be a wiser approach to the current, ongoing crisis.
The Conservative Party Human Rights Commission will be holding a hearing on the human rights situation in Iran, with a particular focus on minorities and women, on Tuesday 3 July from 3-5pm in Committee Room 21, House of Commons. It is open to the public and all are welcome. The hearing will be chaired by Stephen Crabb MP, Chairman of the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission, and the panel will include:
Kerim Yildiz - Author and founder of the Kurdish Human Rights Project
Rahim Bandoui - Spokesperson for the Balochistan People's Party and executive member of the Congress of Nationalities for a Federal Iran
Ali Bani Torfi - Human rights activist involved in the British Ahwazi Friendship Society and Ahwazi Community Association
Daniel Wheatley - Government Relations Officer for the Baha'i Community of the UK
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